History of GCEDC outreach with Tonawanda Seneca Nation
Genesee County Economic Development Center's (GCEDC’s) outreach efforts to the Tonawanda Seneca Nation (the Nation) began early in the STAMP development process, dating back to the initial environmental review conducted by GCEDC. While the Nation did not initially elect to participate directly in the environmental review process, GCEDC and the Nation worked collaboratively on topics such as infrastructure location, acquisition and surveying of properties neighboring the Nation, and meetings with prospective companies.
2010 – 2015:
- Initial outreach is made to the Nation for review and comment on the Draft Scope, draft and final generic environmental impact statements (DGEIS and FGEIS).
- Regular and frequent communications were made to the Nation requesting comments as well as periodic updates.
- GCEDC formally commences permitting with various regulatory agencies, including NYS Historic Preservation Office, Department of Environmental Conservation, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
- Various meetings between the GCEDC, the Nation, and the permitting organizations take place at the Nation’s Long House.
- Various requests from the Nation are incorporated into STAMP development, including routing sewer service away from Nation lands, infrastructure extensions, and revisions to the master plan among others.
- The GCEDC acquired parcels of land adjacent to the Nation’s territory and conducted surveys to confirm that the parcels adhered to the boundaries stated in the Treaty of Buffalo as requested by the Nation. Nation representatives assisted surveyors in locating various monuments during the surveying process.
- An underground fuel storage tank on an acquired property near the Nation’s territory and Whitney Creek was removed and remediated by the GCEDC after acquisition of the property.
- The GCEDC, the Nation, and 1366 Technologies met to discuss a potential development at STAMP immediately adjacent to the Nation’s territory. The Nation concluded that meeting by welcoming 1366 Technologies to the neighborhood.