History of GCEDC outreach with Tonawanda Seneca Nation
Genesee County Economic Development Center's (GCEDC’s) outreach efforts to the Tonawanda Seneca Nation (the Nation) began early in the STAMP development process, dating back to the initial environmental review conducted by GCEDC. While the Nation did not initially elect to participate directly in the environmental review process, GCEDC and the Nation worked collaboratively on topics such as infrastructure location, acquisition and surveying of properties neighboring the Nation, and meetings with prospective companies.
2021 to Present:
In 2021, GCEDC secured Plug Power as tenant at the STAMP Site. Following an unsuccessful lawsuit by the Nation, GCEDC and the Nation agreed to changes to the process by which GCEDC reviews incoming projects as well as agreeing to significantly increase the buffer between the Nation’s Territory and STAMP development.
- The GCEDC, NYSDEC and SHPO, in consultation with the Nation, negotiate a Letter of Resolution setting detailed procedures for cultural resource review for future developments on the STAMP site that require permitting from the NYSDEC. While the Nation declined to sign the LOR, GCEDC complies with the terms of the LOR for all onsite projects requiring state (but not federal) permitting to avoid impacts to the Nation’s Territory.
- As part of a 2021 settlement agreement, the GCEDC agreed to set aside 204 acres of open land and wooded areas adjacent to Nation Territory for additional buffer and will be preserved under a conservation easement that is being negotiated between the GCEDC and the Nation.
- Since 2021, the GCEDC has provided weekly update emails to the Nation on STAMP’s permitting, projects, and other points of interest.
- Monthly phone calls with the Nation have been held as well and the GCEDC has made numerous offers for the Nation to meet with potential companies and current companies who are located at the STAMP site to ask questions, raise any concerns and share the Nation’s perspective. While the Nation has declined to meet with any companies to date, GCEDC continues to extend this offer for all companies pursuing applications to locate at STAMP.