7 Steps to a Great Genesee Career!

Contact Information for Career Coaches Chris Suozzi and Dr. Sheila Eigenbrod

1: Get Started with a Career Coach

Career Coaches Chris “Coach SwazZ” Suozzi and Dr. Sheila “Dr. E” Eigenbrod are engaged with employers, training programs and workforce leaders to ensure students, families and our community achieve high-wage, in-demand careers in Genesee County. Sign up for a coaching session!

2: Explore How Your Interests Match to Careers

The U.S. Department of Labor’s O*NET Interest Profiler can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world-of-work. Find out what you like to do, and see the careers where you’ll have the most success!

3: Do Your Career Exploration Homework

After you determine your interests, research the salaries, career outlook, and industries where your potential career can grow. The My Next Move website shows how your interest can be matched to training programs and great careers! GLOW With Your Hands : Virtual shows how many of those careers are right in your backyard!

4: Participate in Middle and High School Training Programs

If you’re still in middle or high school, participating in hands-on, world-of-work exploratory and training  programs designed to help you learn about rewarding careers in the GLOW region. These include BEA school programs, engaging summer camps, GLOW With Your Hands, Cornell in High School and the Finger Lakes Youth Apprenticeship Program.

5: Grow Your Skills in High School and After Graduation

Completing programs at the Batavia Career & Technical Education Center, Genesee Community College, and The BEST Center give you the opportunity to gain experience toward apprenticeships, on-the-job training, and in-demand skills that are transferable across industries.

6: Learn About Growing Companies in the Genesee County Career Roadmap

Find out about 19 amazing companies in your backyard that are ready to welcome you into a rewarding career by downloading the Genesee County Career Roadmap.

7: Grow and Succeed in Genesee County

Our Career Coaches have the connections to help you grow and succeed. Connect with Coach SwazZ and Dr. E for answers to your questions and support as you start your career!