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Statement Regarding STAMP
Statement by Peter Zeliff, Chairman, GCEDC regarding STAMP
“Almost 20 years ago, the Genesee County Economic Development Center developed a concept to bring the next generation of emerging businesses to Genesee County. This led to the development of the Science & Technology Advanced Manufacturing Park (STAMP) in the town of Alabama.
“Through the years, STAMP has been fortunate to receive significant financial support from our federal, state and local government partners which has been contingent on our commitment to bringing these next generation of businesses and the significant number of good paying jobs and economic impact that come with them. This support also has resulted in hundreds of inquiries from companies and site selectors both in the United States and internationally. This strong interest in STAMP continues today.
“As such, the GCEDC Board and staff remains resolute in our vision to bringing these jobs and capital investment from companies in the advanced manufacturing, renewable energy and semiconductor sectors. We also need to be mindful of continuing to build-out infrastructure at the site, including the electric substation which is critical aspect of bringing these companies to STAMP.
“Regarding the latter, there are two projects not in targeted industry sectors that have approached the GCEDC with an interest in coming to STAMP. At this time, the GCEDC Board and staff is considering applications from these applicants, both of which are proposing to construct data centers at STAMP.
“In assessing projects such as data centers, the GCEDC considers a number of different factors including assessing the number of good-paying jobs in the local community created, the footprint of this type of project and its electric and water needs with the intent of minimizing its impacts so we can further our continued efforts in bringing to STAMP the types of companies that can create significant job and economic growth that we are targeting for at STAMP. Advanced manufacturing, renewable energy and semiconductor sector projects often require a much larger footprint and can have significant infrastructure needs which must be kept in mind when evaluating applications for projects such as data centers.
“We have an obligation to our government partners and Genesee County residents to carefully vet applications to facilitate local economic growth and development which fosters investment and job creation for the benefit of our residents and children.
“In this instance a decision will be ultimately predicated on whether proposed projects fulfill our vision for STAMP. We look forward to working with both companies as well as our stakeholders as the GCEDC Board considers these applications.”