Eco Waste Solutions Finds Site, Funding and Solutions with GCEDC

Project Overview:

Eco Waste Solutions, a growing Canadian business that designs and implements modular, scalable environmentally-responsible waste solutions, sought guidance as they located a specialized manufacturing facility in Batavia, NY.

Project Solution:

Working with the GCEDC, Eco Waste Solutions advanced a $1.9 million investment into their Batavia facility with a $100,000 Empire State Development grant and $180,000 in Excelsior jobs tax credits.

Company Perspective: 

When we first came in, and started to look around, they helped us connect us with grant funding opportunities available. They’ve also been a great source of knowledge in terms of connecting us with other government agencies … talent sourcing and development is another big piece that they bring to us.

It’s great to have them to talk to and depend on when we need those kind of questions answered.”

Jean Lucas, President & CEO

  • Location: Batavia, NY
  • Project Type: Specialized Manufacturing

  • Investment: $1,900,000

  • Careers: 9